Louvre - Currency of € 50 or 1/4 Oz - BE 2022
These currencies in the form of the large Tanis sphinx perfectly reproduce the statue of Louvre Museum. The mention "1822-2022 "Referring to the 200 years anniversary of deciphering hieroglyphs.
The reverse of the cash Represents the Divine Adorator Case Chépénopet.
In the central axis is represented the statue of the god Amon watching over the young Touânkhamon. The pyramid, a timeless link between the heritage of yesterday and today, adorns the bottom of the reverse, and proudly sports the cartridges of
Touânkhamon. The facial value is present in the center of the cash as well as the mention RF. The reverse carries the different of Joaquin Jimenez.
Currency: Euro
Country: France
Weight: 1/4 Oz
Face Value:
Year: 2022
Mint: Money of Paris