Italy 2011 - 2 Euro commemorative - Italian unification
In the internal part of the room, in the center, is represented three Italian flags. They represent the birthdays of Italian unification which took place every 50 years in 1911, 1961 and this year in 2011. It is symbolically that the dates of reunification and that of the birthday appear under the flags under this way "1861> 2011 >>" to show the link between generations. Under the flags the inscriptions "RI" (Italian Republic), "R" the workshop brand and "Elf inc." The engraver's signature can be read. The inscription "150 ° Dell 'Unita" by Italia "translated by 150 ° anniversary of the Italian unit, appears above the flags. The twelve stars of the European Union are all around the listel in the external part of the bimetallic room.
A map showing the Fifteen States of the European Union Soudés is represented on a dynamic canvas made up of the twelve stars of the European Union.
Currency: Euro
Country: Italy
Weight: 8,5 g
Face Value:
Year: 2011
Mint: N.A.