Austria 2024 - Pelagic jellyfish - Currency of 3 commemorative Euro (copy)
The internal part of the room represents a blue surgeon fish. With her disc in the shape of a disc, her bright blue color, her intense gaze and her pinched lips, blue surgeon fish looks like a child's drawing. The blue surgeon fish takes its name from the bone projections on its tail which has a sharp edge like a razor, a bit like the scalpel of a surgeon. When a rival approaches, the striking yellow scalpel is extended as a threat to counter the attack, which can lead to ugly cuts inflicted on the enemy if it does not take into account the warning. Once young surgeons are roughly the size of a 1 euro part, they start their lives on the seabed. When they are lit by a special light at this stage, they shine in an intense greenish color. Fish play an important role in maintaining the health of coral reefs because they eliminate algae when they feed, allowing corals to enjoy. In addition, their excrement fertilizes reef. A large band reminiscent of an old -fashioned porthole frames the aquatic scene. In the upper part, the name of the animal in Austrian "Blauer Doktorfisch" and the year of program "2024".
The reverse is a composition common to this series with a representation of the 12 marine animals a octopus with blue rings, a shark, a mollusk, a lophiiform fish, a scleractiniary coral, a yellow line, a blue surgeon fish, a dwarf cuttlefish, a Krill Antarctic, a Luciole calmar, a pelagic jellyfish and a devil's scorpion fish. Between animals, stylized representations of the marine space and the name of the emitting country "Republik Osterreich" and the facial value "3 Euro".
Currency: Euro
Country: Austria
Weight: 16 g
Face Value:
Year: 2024