Smurf poet - 10 euro money money - 2020
Current quality vintage 2020
Small iconic elves, Smurfs make their first appearance in Johan and Pirlouit " The six smurf flute " created by Peyo In 1958. Since then, these blue characters, cheeky and styled with white people live adventures through many albums.
There Money of Paris pay tribute in 2020 to comics and work of Peyo As well as the hundred iconic characters, all similar but different in their character.
The pen in one hand and the parchment in the other, The poet smurf travels the village and the forest that surrounds it in search of inspiration.
Devise : Euro
Pays : France
Métal :
Poids : 17,0 g
Qualité :
Taille :
Tirage :
Valeur Faciale :
Année : 2020
Mint : Money of Paris