More and more individuals are interested in coins, some collect them, others are interested in special occasions and events. This is why it is necessary to state in five steps, how to maintain your parts. However, it is not advisable to wash them - even, but strictly following the rules below, you can get a quality result.
1 - Manipulation of parts
It is important to handle the coins in gold, silver, or even bronze by their edges usinga tweezer. It is advisable to wear cotton gloves To handle them without risk of damaging them. This is particularly important with the numismatic tests, which have a surface similar to that of a mirror. Any brand present on it can impact the coin and reduce its value.
2 - Gently wash a dirty coin
A coin must be cleaned on the surface. To do so, it is necessary to use a cleaning kit. In fact, it is enough to wash the room using a cleaning bath in lukewarm distilled water as well as with a polishing cloth impregnated with a cleaning product.
Use advice: Diving the currencies 3 to 8 minutes in the bath, then rinse them carefully and gently wipe them with a soft cloth. Let the coins dry in the air on a paper towel.
It is also possible to use a cleaning deviceUltrasound to effectively and gently clean coins, medals. The vibrations caused by ultra sounds take off the dust, oily traces and dirt from the surface and also inaccessible places. The device is used with water, but the effect can be reinforced by adding universal bath-cleaning.
3 - Currency: Do not polish them
It is possible to use an erase gum to make the black sous of your pockets shine before giving them to your children or small children, in order to start a potential collection. Indeed, there are several types of modern currencies, but also old to start a collection of coins. For more limited budgets, silver metal has the same intrinsic characteristics from a point of view of heritage investment as gold metal.
4 - Place the coins on protected surfaces
When it is necessary to place a coin outside of its pocket, always place it on a clean and soft surface. Take the example of a velvet cushion, which is an ideal surface. It is also possible to use a soft and clean cloth. In addition, it is strongly not recommended to slide the coins on a hard surface. Indeed, this will damage the room.
5 - Store your coins in a security location
Air -exposed coins are likely to tarnish and undergo more serious damage. This is why there are also compartments suitable for allcapsuleswith parts, with double protection for your precious parts. The edges of the capsule allow it to be easily lifted.
Most capsules are designed with two pockets, one for the coin and another that can be used to contain a piece of paper with information on the coin.
Regarding the pockets, these are generally stapled on three sides to prevent parts from sliding. Thus, it is necessary to use a pair of pliers so as not to scratch the other coins.