The 20th anniversary of the Euro - Semeuse - Currency of € 50 Gold - Be 1/4oz France - 2022
This rectangular currency is a second tribute to the European motto. Like a chronological frieze, we find on the right of the face the acronym of the French franc accompanied by an olive branch. This natural and numismatic symbol accompanies the currencies of 1 francs since the monetary reform of the Fifth Republic. On the right, the acronym of the Euro surrounds Joaquin Jiménez's "The Tree of Life", drawn in 1997.
The reverse is identical to that of the 2021 seed collection, paying a first tribute to the European motto, we find on the left the original sowing of the Oscar Roty engraver, sowing 20 stars in the furrows of the French flag. The face in the foreground is a representation of the original face of the woman who inspired the engraver in 1896, Rosalinda Pesce.
Currency: Euro
Country: France
Weight: 7,78 g
Face Value:
Year: 2022
Mint: Money of Paris