Sack of Napoleon 1st - Currency of € 10 Silver - Louvre - BE 2021
BE Vintage 2021
In 2021, we will celebrate the bicentenary of the disappearance of Napoleon I. This year will therefore be really "the Napoleon year" celebrated in France and internationally. We could obviously not be able to miss this event and wanted to celebrate it not only from several angles of the inheritance of this period in the history of France but also through our different types of products.
The face represents the coronation of the emperor Napoleon I and the coronation of Empress Joséphine on December 2, 1804, a painting exhibited at the Louvre and the artist Jacques-Louis David. On the reverse, we can see the representation of the Louvre pyramid as well as the building.
Inside the pyramid, an essential work of the museum: the victory of Samothrace.
The mention "RF" as well as the hallmark of Joaquin Jimenez are inside the pyramid.
Currency: Euro
Country: France
Weight: 22.2 g
Face Value:
Year: 2021
Mint: Money of Paris