Paris 2024 Olympic Games - Rugby at 7 (3/9) - 10 € money currency - Wave 1 colorized
Ballon tight against her, the Mascot of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games continues its race for the two posts to try to mark a test and dig the gap with the opposing team. Since the Rio Games, in 2016, rugby is making a comeback on the Olympic scene, this time in its formula with seven players on the field. Its particularity means that the game is faster, and intense: the matches last fourteen minutes and include more sprints and trials than a fifteen rugby match. The ways of registering points are the same as in fifteen rugby: a test is worth five points, an additional two transformation, a drop and a penalty
Also are worth three points.
Also are worth three points.
Currency: Euro
Country: France
Weight: 13 g
Face Value:
Year: 2023
Mint: Paris Mint