France 2014 - 2 Euro commemorative - Sidaction
The red ribbon, a symbol of the fight against AIDS, appears on the face of the currency. Created at the initiative of the Visual Aids Artist Caucus and the American painter Franck Moore, the red ribbon, which is worn near the heart to symbolize solidarity with the patients, has the shape of an inverted V. He is intended to go by one day in V, to signify the victory against the disease. 3 ribbons are present on the face. One of them is in the classic direction (colorized in red for the BU and BE versions). The other 2 returned ribbons, associated with the presence of 2 V, reinforce the symbolism of the long -awaited victory. On December 1, the date of UNESCO's "World AIDS Day" was present at the top of the room.
A map of the European continent is represented on a dynamic canvas made up of the twelve stars of the European Union.
Currency: Euro
Country: France
Weight: 8,50 g
Face Value:
Year: 2014
Mint: N.A.