Austria 2025 - 3 Euro commemorative - Calmar Luciole - UNC
The internal part of the part represents a Calmar Luciole in the center which is a bioluminescent organism. He has tiny organs producing light called photophores on his entire coat, head, arms and tentacles and can create an impressive light show when he emits a mass blue glow. Each year, from March to May, the waters off Toyama bay in Japan shine in a magical blue color because, although they spend most of their lives in deeper waters, the Calmars approach the shore to lay their eggs. The Calmar Luciole has ten arms, two of which are lengthened and serve as tentacles suspended directly to the head. The remaining eight arms of the Cammar are covered with suction cups and are used to guide the prey of the calmar until his mouth, while the tentacles are mainly used to catch the prey in the first place. The fact that the Calmar Luciole can move very quickly by sucking the water and then by expelling it, a process which catapults them forward, helps them in their predatory activities. A large band reminiscent of an old -fashioned porthole frames the aquatic scene. In the upper part, the name of the animal in Austrian "Leuchtkalmar" and the year of program "2025".
The reverse is a composition common to this series with a representation of the 12 marine animals a octopus with blue rings, a shark, a mollusc, a lophiform fish, a scleractiniary coral, a yellow line, a blue surgeon, a dwarf cuttlefish, an antarctic krill, a bundle of a pelagic jellyfish and a pelagic meduse and a devil scorpion. Between animals, stylized representations of the marine space and the name of the emitting country "Republik Osterreich" and the facial value "3 Euro".
Currency: Euro
Country: Autriche
Weight: 16 g
Face Value:
Year: 2025
Mint: Münze Österreich