Slovakia 2 euros colorized 2015 - 200th anniversary of Ludovit Stur
200th anniversary of the birth of ľudovít Štúr (1815-2015).
The drawing represents a portrait of ľudovít Štúr. To the right of the portrait are registered the year of "2015" broadcast and, below, along the outside ring, the name of the emitting "Slovensko" country. On the left of the portrait are registered the years of birth and death "1815-1856" and, below, along the outside ring, the name "ľudovít Štúr". In the upper right of the drawing represents the brand of the Kremnica workshop (Mincovňa Kremnica), composed of "MK" letters between two punches. In the lower right part of the drawing are the stylized letters "iř", initials of the artist Ivan řehák. The outside ring of the room represents the twelve stars of the European flag.
A map of the European continent is represented on a dynamic canvas made up of the twelve stars of the European Union.
Currency: Euro
Country: Slovakia
Weight: 8,5 g
Face Value:
Year: 2015