Slovakia 2022 - 35 years of the Erasmus program - BE
On the heart, a drawing commemorating the thirty of the Erasmus program, with a portrait of the theologian, humanist and philosopher Erasmus de Rotterdam, according to a portrait of Hans Holbein (kept at the Louvre museum, in Paris); Above the right hand, the initials J.J. of the artist engraver Joaquin Jimenez; In the lower right part, the year of creation of the program, 1987, the vintage, 2022, the Erasmus program registration and the name of the emitting Slovensko country (in French "Slovakia”); On the crown, the twelve emblematic European stars with five branches points upwards
Card of theEuropean Union On the right part of the heart and overflowing on the crown, between two series of six parallel vertical lines, each marked with a star; Right, on the crown, LL signature of the Luc Luycx engraver in a monogram. Legend: to the left of map 2 and on the map itself EURO (the fourth letter on the crown)
Currency: Euro
Weight: 8,5 g
Face Value:
Year: 2022
Mint: N.A.